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简介景区的英文介绍怎么写作文_景区的英文介绍怎么写作文带翻译       感谢大家在这个景区的英文介绍怎么写作文问题集合中的积极参与。我将用专业的态度回答每个问题,并尽量给出具体的例子和实践经验,以帮助大家




2.英文介绍旅游景点成都作文 介绍成都旅游景点的英语作文

3.定西旅游景点介绍英文版 关于介绍定西的英语作文

4.英语介绍一个旅游景点西湖 介绍西湖风景的英语作文50字

5.故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译 故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译简短

6.英文介绍烟台旅游景点 山东著名景点英文介绍



       South Lake (Chinese: 南湖; pinyin: Nán Hú) is a scenic lake located in the South of Jiaxing City, China,

        and covers an area of 0.54 km?. It is also known as "Mandarin Duck

       Lake", due to the lake's shape, and is a frequent destination of

       tourists and sightseers.

       Alongside the lake are the ruins of the Misty Rain Tower, which was built in the 10th century. In 1548 AD, during the Ming Dynasty, the local dredged the waterways and piled up the mud into the center of South Lake, forming an islet.

        The Misty Rain tower was rebuilt on the islet the next year. In the

       following years, a group of ancient garden-style architectures emerged

       around it.

       The first national congress of the Communist Party of China was transferred from Shanghai to Jiaxing

        in 1921 and the final agenda was carried out in a pleasure boat on

       South Lake. The birth of the party was declared here. It is therefore

       considered by the Chinese to be one of the most important sacred places

       of the revolution.



英文介绍旅游景点成都作文 介绍成都旅游景点的英语作文


       Fuzhou is the capital and the largest prefecture-level city of Fujian (福建) province, People's Republic of China.


       It is also referred to as Rongcheng (榕城) which means "city of banyan trees."

       福州也被称之为菩提之城 (菩提树,也就是banyan树,我估计就是咱国内的榕树吧?嘎嘎..),意为榕城.

       It is the capital of the province, and is situated on the north bank of the estuary of Fujian's largest river, the Min River, which gives access to the interior and to the neighboring provinces of Jiangxi and Zhejiang.

       福州是福建省省会,坐落在福建省最大的河北岸河口上 - min河.min河汇通于福州之内,也接壤江西,浙江两省.

       Fuzhou may not be as rich in history as some other ancient Chinese cities but still boasts a fair number of historical sights.


       Sanfang Qixiang (三坊七巷) (a cluster of ancient resident buildings dated from late Jin Dynasty)


       West Lake (福州西湖) (an artificial lake built in 282 AD)


       Hualin Temple (华林寺) (founding date uncertain)


       Dizang Temple (founded in 527 AD)


       Xichan Temple (西禅寺) (founded in 867 AD)


       Wu Ta (乌塔) (Black Pagoda) (originally built in 799 AD, rebuilt in 936 AD)


       Bai Ta (白塔) (White Pagoda) is originally built in 905 AD, 67 m in height, collapsed in 1534 AD, rebuilt in 1548 AD, 41 m in height


       Yongquan Temple (涌泉寺) is founded in 915 AD


       Gu Shan (鼓山) (Drum Mountain)

       Fuzhou National Forest Park (福州国家森林公园)





       Fuzhou is the capital of Fujian province and it is a major port of China. Fuzhou locates in the southeast of China and is close to Taiwan. Because of its geography advantage, it attracts more and more investment in these years. However, the attraction of Fuzhou is not only its strategic position, but also is its beautiful cityscape. Banyan is the sign of the city and it also represents the spirit of the city.

       Fuzhou is also famous of hot spring. Every year millions of tourists come here to he joyful holiday.

       Fuzhou is a historical and cultural city and is full of charm and vitality. It welcomes you.

       介绍福州的英语作文(短一点,80词左右) 最好有翻译


        Fuzhou is the capital of Fujian province and it is a major port of China.Fuzhou locates in the southeast of China and is close to Taiwan.Because of its geography advantage,it attracts more and more investment in these years.However,the attraction of Fuzhou is not only its strategic position,but also is its beautiful cityscape.Banyan is the sign of the city and it also represents the spirit of the city.

        Fuzhou is also famous of hot spring.Every year millions of tourists come here to he joyful holiday.

        Fuzhou is a historical and cultural city and is full of charm and vitality.It welcomes you.

       介绍福州英语作文 我急需一篇介绍福州的英语作文,字数不限,越多越好!

       介绍福州(About Fuzhou)Fuzhou is the provincial capital of Fujian Province,it is a well-known city with 2200 histories of more than years.Lie in the southeast of our country,the straits west bank of gu...




       Sanfangqixiang is a national 5A level scenic spots, is part of the experience of building demolition down after remaining Fuzhou old town. Fuzhou is the source of history, cultural roots, from the Jin, Tang formed from, that is, the nobility and gentry settlements, Qing Dynasty to the Republic to glory. Existing area of about 270 ancient houses, 159 he been included in the protected buildings. In Shen Pao House, the former residence of Lin Jue Min, Yan Fu's former residence and other typical building of nine representatives of the three lanes of ancient buildings, was announced by the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection units. [1] Located in Fuzhou city center (Old Town) of Sanfangqixiang he the full scope of protection of 38 hectares. Sanfangqixiang larger existing domestic scale, more complete protection of historical and cultural district, is one of the few remains of ancient buildings, the "Chinese cities Square system living fossil" and "Chinese Ming and Qing architectural museum" reputation


       Three alleys and seven lanes,you are from north to south is arranged on both sides of the south backstreet ten mill lane said.Three lanes,is garment jin fang lu fang,Wen Ru lane,the light;And seven lanes,the Yang Qiao lane,lang guan xiang,Ann MinHang,yellow lane,lane tower,palace lane and auspicious lane.Because the rest Yang Qiao lane,lane and lu fang has been transformed into the road,so now se the actual only two lane five lane.

        According to historical records,three alleys and seven lanes was built in the late western jin dynasty.As a result of the min river sediment deposition for a long time,in the current three alleys and seven lanes,are naturally formed a piece of flat land.Tang "rebellion",the central plains infighting,many people,businessmen he moved south fujian,to oid troubled times,these people came to fuzhou,naturally chose here,start building new homes.As a result,a human main settlement blocks scholar-bureaucrat class,culture,was generated in the area of the three alleys and seven lanes.




       Three lanes and seven alleys三坊七巷: Lying in the Nanhou Street of downtown Fuzhou, 10 lanes and alleys lining from north to south, covering an area of 40 hectares. Quite a number of these lanes and alleys he maintained since the Tang and Song Dynasties, forming the hub of the historical cultural city of Fuzhou. The houses with white walls and tiles, well-knit lay-out, exquisite decoration, unique technique show the characteristics of the ancient city of Fujian, and is famed in the architecture area as “the museum of the ancient architectures of the Ming and Qing Dynasties”


       福州国家森林公园是中国九大森林公园之一。原名福州树木园,是集科研与游览的综合性公园。位于福州北郊新店镇赤桥村。Fuzhou national forest park, is one of China's nine forest park. Formerly known as fuzhou ShuMuYuan, is a collection of scientific research and visit comprehensive park. Located in fuzhou northern suburb XinDianZhen red bridge village. 1960年2月建,面积859.33公顷。三面环山,一面临水,东以福飞路为界,西至湖顶与叶洋村接壤,南至八一水库北岸堤坝,北至岭头乡与笔架山毗邻。呈长方形,最高处的笔架山海拔643米。以搜集、展览福建树种为主,引进南方的木棉树,北方的钻天杨,热带的南洋杉,亚热带的樟树,温带的油松和被称为活化石的银杏、水杉等2500多种国内外珍贵树种。分森林区、苗圃、温室、专类园、休息区等5个部分。休息区内有1株胸围8米多、覆盖面积1330多平方米的古榕树,相传是北宋治平年间福州太守张伯玉编户植榕时种下的。In 1960, February, built area 859.33 hectares. Three sides and face water, east to f floo bounded, west to lake top YangCun borders and leaf, the south to the north shore of bayi reservoir dam, north to villages and well-known bijia mountain ridge head devices. A rectangle, point of the well-known bijia mountain elevation 145821476 meters. To collect, exhibition, introduce the south fujian tree species of kapok tree, in the north of the NaYangSha ZuanTianYang, tropical, suropical camphor tree, temperate pinus tabulaeformis and called living fossil of ginkgo, metasequoia glyptostroboides etc 2500 variety of domestic and foreign precious tree. Points in forest areas, nurseries, greenhouse, species-divided gardens, recreational area etc five parts. Rest area has 1 strain bust 8 meters, covering the area of ancient banyans 13.3 much square metre, it was said that the northern song dynasty to TaiShou ZhangBoYu fuzhou city flat years when a banyan graft. 联系地址:福建省福州市新店上赤桥 邮编:350012Address: fuzhou city of fujian province on red bridge new zip code: 350012 电话:0591-87916168/0591-87916444Telephone: 0591-87916168/0591-87916444 传真:0591-87916444Fax: 0591-87916444 位于福州市晋安区新店镇的福州国家森林公园9月28日起将正式免费对公众开放。同时这也是福建省首个免费开放的4A级旅游风景区。Located in fuzhou JinAnOu XinDianZhen of fuzhou national forest park since September 28, will officially open to the public for free. And it is also the first free open in fujian 4A scenic spots

定西旅游景点介绍英文版 关于介绍定西的英语作文



       ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.

       Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they dont cost much.Whatmore ,with the rapidly developing economy,Chengdu has become an international metropolis.

       Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and he a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Dont hestitate.








       On summer vacation ,I got to the Cheng Du with my family .It was so beautiful City we had something special(特色物品)And we went to the hy valley(欢乐谷,成都著名景点) My family and I were so hy today!


       Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan Province,lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain,in central Sichuan.Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers,Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over 7 districts,4 cities and 8 counties.By the end of 1999,the population of Chengdu had reached 10.036 million,of which 3.30 million were urban residents.Chengdu enjoys a long history.2,500 years ago,Kaiming IX,king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century 256BC),started to set up the capital in Chengdu."A town was built in this area in the first year and the capital in the second year,so the ancestor named the city as Chengdu,which means to become a capital.Later on,Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics,economy and culture in China.It has been the capital for the feudal dynasties five times and twice for the peasant uprising regimes,known as Dashu and Daxi.As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)),Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals.In the Tang Dynasty (618-907),Chengdu was reputed as the Yang (Yangzhou) first,yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou.In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD),brocades produced in Chengdu were very popular in China.So Chengdu was also called the City of Brocade.In the Five Kingdoms Period (907-960),Mengchang,king of the Houshu Kingdom,decreed to plant hibiscuses on the protective wall of the city,so Chengdu was also called the City of Hibiscus.As one of China's famous historical and cultural cities,Chengdu enjoys rich tourist resources.15,500 years ago,a well-known poet in the Jin Kingdom,Zuo Si extolled Chengdu as lofty and pretty.This city has also gained the eulogium by both Li Bai,the poet immortal and Du Fu,the poet sage.With rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenic spots,Chengdu is a peaceful and prosperous city



        The final exam is over, my father and mother and friends to go to Chengdu tourism, we went to a total of 12 people, the team is really go forward with great strength and vigour.


        On the first day we went to Wuhou Temple, is my most want to play the scenic spots, because it is dedicated to Liu Bei and Zhu Geliang, this is my forite three characters (I am a real three fans). Liu Bei in Wuhou Temple is not so handsome in my imagination, I love the statue of Zhang Fei, the black eyes can be fun, and a statue of Zhao Zilong is a white beard old man, the tour guide said this is because Zhao Yun is Tianlong himself, very long. Many great people, Wuhou Temple, we also saw before and after Yue Fei wrote Inst, Yue Fei's calligraphy great, original ancient generals can write a good hand.


        The second day we went to Dujiangyan, there is a water conservancy project, very powerful, but a lot of rain, we all dressed in brightly coloured raincoats, do not remember what, but I remember the day the urgent urgent, we walked a long bridge, the bridge crane was shaking powerful, very exciting and very scary. We also went to Qingchengshan in the afternoon, only to play a raincoat, ha ha.


        The third day we continue to climb, this is Leshan Giant Buddha, the Buddha is really great, we he come to the following from its head again, it is said that next year will not see the Buddha's body, because later in the body where building houses protected. We also saw the mountain was larger than the Leshan Giant Buddha Buddha. Tell you a little knowledge of the mountain Leshan Giant Buddha is not called Leshan, called mountain peak. Evening we went to eat the best local hot pot, the taste is really good.

        第四天还是爬山,这次是峨眉山,峨眉山很漂亮,我们坐了缆车,一百个人同时能挤在一个篮子里的,不过真得很挤,我们一人买了一根竹棍子做拐杖,感觉像孙悟空一样。峨眉山顶我看到了雪山,是西藏的雪山,衬着白云,像天堂一样,美极了。我还在山顶点了莲花灯 不过挺遗憾的,我们没去猴区,因为我们实在是爬不动了,据说那里有很多流氓猴 不去也蛮好的。

        Fourth days or mountain climbing, this is Mount Emei, Mount Emei is very beautiful, we took a cable car, one hundred people at the same time to squeeze in a basket, but it is very crowded, we each bought a bamboo stick stick, feel like Sun Wukong. I saw the snow mountain Emei Mountain, Tibet mountain, lined with white clouds, like a paradise, very beautiful. I'm still at the top of the mountain... But unfortunately, we did not go to the monkey area, because we really do not climb, it is said that there are a lot of rogue monkey... Don't go too fine.


        The fifth day is the last day, finally do not he to climb the mountain, we went to the panda base, but only saw the lazy panda cub, and panda, had nothing to say. In the afternoon we went to Du Fu Thatched Cottage, where is the place where Du Fu once lived, very beautiful also very big, I always thought that Du Fu is very poor, lives in the house, originally is not such!


        Hy time always flies, we are reluctant to part left Chengdu...



       Chengdu, located in Sichuan Province, is a beautiful place.


       The city is exquisitely decorated and well-designed, attracting a large number of tourists every year.


       Chengdu has a large number of tourist attractions, such as Wangjiang Park, dujiangba, etc. these attractions are easy to reach, and the cost is not high.


       And with the rapid development of economy, Chengdu has become an international metropolis.


       Why don't you come to this magical city to he a rest and he a look at the beautiful scenery?


英语介绍一个旅游景点西湖 介绍西湖风景的英语作文50字



        China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.


       It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.


       After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


       Two generations of wise people he constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.

       聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

       It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's _uins in offical _ays.

       You will not only could witness Great Wall's arance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

       它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。


        身未动,心已远。下面,是我为你整理的介绍景点的 高中 英语 作文 ,希望对你有帮助!


        Dear Nick,

        Ilsquo;m glad to hear that youlsquo;re coming to Sichuan in August. Sichuan Province lies in southwest of China which is a good place for people to enjoy many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful. Another attraction is Dujianyan Irrigation Project, which was built over 2,000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. In my opinion, it is a wise choice to trel here.

        I'm looking forward to your coming.

        Yours sincerely,

        Li Hua


        Dear Sam,

        I'm very glad to hear that you'll trel to China next month. Now I'll tell you something about the greatest places of interest in out country.

        First, Beijing is the capital city of China. There are so many amazing places you cannot miss. For example, the Ten-thousand-li Great Wall--one of the seven wonders in the world; the Palace Museum--the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty; Yuanmingyuan -- a world--famous imperial garden.

        Second, you'd better go to Xi'an of Shanxi province for the Terra Cotta Warriors lies there. And you may also go to Huashan -- a dangerously steep mountain. It's not far from Xi'an

        At last I hope you'll pay a visit to Hunan .Hunana is famous for Zhangjiajie, a place with beautiful mountains and rivers .By the way, he you ever heard of __? He wa one of the greatest leaders in Chinese history. And if you come to Shaoshan -- his home town, you'll know more about him.

        Oh,I must stop now, I he to get ready for my final exams

        Good luck!




        Beijingis our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we he a one-daytour plan for you.


        Inthe morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. It's one of the greatestwonders in the world. It's so magnificent that you can't go to Beijing withoutvisiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are somany interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street,and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. Theview on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, andthen, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of theYangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to he a long walk on TiananmanSquare, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the PalaceMuseum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are ofgreat value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place togo where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildingsthere he the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history ofancient Beijing.


        Wishyou a nice trip.



        1. 旅游景点英文介绍

        2. 关于旅游的高一英语作文带翻译

        3. 有关旅游景点介绍的英语作文

        4. 出国旅游的高中英语作文

        5. 关于风景的英语作文





       1、龙潭溶洞(Longtan ce):


       2、九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):


       3、剑门关(Jianmen Pass Beauty Spot):


       4、乐山大佛(Leshan Giant Buddha):


       5、峨眉山(Mount Emei):



       临洮,古称狄道,兰州南大门,自古为西北名邑、陇右重镇、古丝绸之路要道,是黄河上游古文化发祥地之一,有“彩陶之乡”、“兰州的卫星城“、”兰州的后花园”的称号。 Lintao, ancient Didao, the South Gate of Lanzhou, since ancient times for the northwest of Longyou City, town, the ancient silk road routes, the upper reaches of the Yellow River is one of the ancient cultural birthplace, "colored town", "Lanzhou satellite city", "Lanzhou garden" title. 临洮县,隶属于甘肃省定西市,地处东经103°29'至104°19',北纬35°03'42''至35°56'46''之间,陇西盆地西缘,青藏高原东边,甘肃中部、定西市西部。东临安定区,北接兰州市,南连渭源县,西与临夏回族自治州东乡族自治县、广河、康乐县接壤。临洮县总面积2851平方公里,辖12个镇、6个乡,54.54万人 Lintao County, Gansu Province, belonging to the city of Dingxi, located in the east longitude 103 DEG 29'to 104 DEG 19', between latitude 35 DEG 03'42''to 35 DEG 56'46'', the western margin of the Longxi basin, Qinghai Tibet Plateau East, central Gansu, Western Dingxi. East Anding District, Lanzhou city of North, south of Weiyuan County, bordering the West and Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Dongxiang Autonomous County, Kangle County, guanghe. Lintao county with a total area of 2851 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 12 towns, 6 townships, 545 thousand and 400 people 临洮县获得了“全国田径之乡”、“中国花木之乡”、“中国民间艺术之乡”等称号。 Lintao County won the "national athletics village", "China Huamuzhixiang", "Chinese folk art village" title. 地方风俗 a local custom 民间绘画 Folk painting 临洮民间绘画以油漆家具最为驰名,民间家用木器箱、柜、桌等,都画着描金装饰画,以传统戏、花卉、二十四孝等为内容,由民间工匠绘制。临洮乡间盛行画棺木,画师以松、鹤、鹿、百寿图、前蟒后鹤、二十四孝、八仙等为内容,按死者身份绘画。 Lintao folk painting to paint the most famous folk furniture, household wood box, cabinet, table, painted with gold decorative painting, traditional opera, flowers, filial piety and other content, drawn by the folk craftsmen. Lintao country popular painting painter to the coffin, pine, crane, deer, Baishou map, crane, Ershisixiao, former Python after eight to the content of painting, according to the identity of the deceased. 刺绣剪纸 Embroidery and paper cutting 一些民间女艺人,精于花样刺绣与剪纸。在窗户、枕头、鞋面、肚兜上剪上或绣上花、草、鱼、虫、猫、兔、蝙蝠等动植物图案,以独特的风格、浓郁的乡土气息受人青睐,盛行不衰。 Some folk artist, skilled in embroidery pattern and paper-cut. In the window, a pillow, a vamp, stomachers cut or embroidered with flowers, grass, insects, fish, rabbits, cats, bats and other animal and plant pattern, with unique style, rich local flor popular, popular. 砖雕木雕 Brick carving 许多民间工匠擅长砖雕、木雕,俗称“花雕”、“花板子”,题材多为梅、兰、菊、竹、孔雀牡丹、喜鹊登梅等,用于建筑物和棺木的装饰。寺庙建筑雕梁画栋,木雕砖雕极为盛行。有些能工巧匠长于制作戏剧头盔、头饰、玩具、彩灯、刻葫芦、印章等。 Many folk craftsmen at brick and wood, commonly known as "flower", "flower board", the theme are plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, peony, peacock magpie Mui, and coffin decoration for buildings. Temple building a richly ornamented building, wood carving is extremely popular brick. Some skilled craftsmen made longer than drama helmets, ornaments, toys, lamps, carved gourds, seal etc.. 民间戏曲 folk operas 临洮民间戏曲演唱较为盛行。每逢节日,城乡群众有搭台唱戏的习惯,剧种有秦腔、眉户、小曲等,尤以秦腔更为普及。 Lintao folk opera singing is more popular. During the festival, urban and rural masses he dataichangxi habits, Shaanxi opera, opera, etc. especially in small Mihu, Shaanxi is more popular. 民间音乐 folk music 临洮民间音乐主要以民歌、民间乐曲、花儿、丧事音乐、劳动号子等形式流行于人民群众中。民歌主要有小曲、小调、秧歌、酒曲等。 Lintao folk music, folk music, folk songs to flowers, funeral music, work songs and other forms of popular in the masses of people. There are folk songs, minor, yangko dance, yeast etc.. 民间舞蹈 Folk dance 临洮县民间舞蹈多数是集体舞蹈,随从社火表演,有龙灯舞、狮舞、旱船舞、太平鼓、高明灯等,用的道具有扇、花等,以锣、鼓击拍伴奏,动作粗犷,场面复杂多变,阵势浩大,气氛热烈,在东乡大石头、南乡南屏一带流行。 Most of the folk dance in Lintao county is a collective dance, after dragon dance, folk art performances, lion dance, dance, drum, Hanchuan high light, props for fans, flowers, Gong, drum beat accompaniment, action rough, complex scenes, the battle is vast, warm atmosphere, popular in Dongxiang, big stone Nan Xiang Nanping area. 旅游景点 Scenic spot 老子文化园,水泉山庄,战国秦长城遗址,佛归寺生态旅游园,西湖水上公园,临洮县博物馆, Lao Tzu Cultural Park, Fountain Hills, Warring States Qin the Great Wall ruins, Buddha Temple to ecological tourism park, West Lake water park, Lintao County museum,

故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译 故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译简短




       1,Dream north street

       North street dream is one of the famous scenic spots of west lake. Beishan street starts

       from huancheng west road in the eastlingyin road in the west, west lake in the south and

       gem mountain in the north.



       2,Meijiawu tea culture village

       Meijiawu tea culture village, located in the west hinterland of hangzhou west lake scenic

       area, south of meiling tunnelalong the two sides of meiling road as long as ten miles,

       known as "ten miles meiwu", is one of the west lake longjing tea protection area and the

       main producing area.



       3,Santai mountain scenic spot

       Santai mountain scenic area is a combination of zhejiang mountain and jiangnan waterside

       scenery, it is the core of bath lake scenic areaeast by yanggong causeway, west by santai

       mountain road, north to turtle pool scenic area, south to hupao road.



       4,Yang dike kageyuki

       Yang di jingxing is one of the famous scenic spots in west lake. Yang gong causeway from

       the north and south of the fifth bridge, remote south peakthree taishan, after the southern

       song dynasty to the Ming dynasty, because there is a nearby sanxian temple, because of

       the collection of virtuous here so the name of the bridge "jingxing".



       5,Wan Song put

       Wansong shuyuan is a scenic spot mainly composed of wansong academy, which is located

       on the wansong ridge in the southeast of hangzhou city, zhejiang province.




       The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay.The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers.The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting,which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

        Tiger-running Spring

        The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out.The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the "Two Wonders of the West Lake".

        The Lingyin Monastery

        The Lingyin Monastery,or the Monastery of Soul's Retreat,is a famous historical site of the West Lake.Here exists the Lingyin Monastery,a famous ancient temple in China,in front of which there are Feilai Peak,Cold Spring,Longhong Ce and precious rock ce arts and queer and varied natural ces and gullies.

        Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

        It's a 2.8 km.long boulevard cutting across the south-north scenic area,and lined with trees and flowering plants.When Spring comes with crimson peach blossoms and green willows; the scenery is all the more charming.Strolling along the boulevard,one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist.Young willows were ethereal,spring breeze so caressing,and birds were chirping in unison.

        The Moon Reflected in Three Pools

        "There are islands in the lake and three are lake on the islands." The three stone towers were first built in Yuanyou 4th year (1089) of the Song Dynasty,with the wonderful scenery of "one moon in the sky hing three reflection in the lake",it is one of the wonderful scenes of the West Lake.


        1.West Lake 西湖

        2.Tiger-running Spring 虎跑泉

        3.The Lingyin Monastery 灵隐寺

        4.Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 苏堤春晓

        5.The Moon Reflected in Three Pools 三潭印月


       West Lake, located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is one of the first national key scenic spots in China and one of China's top ten scenic spots. It is one of the main ornamental freshwater lakes in mainland China, and is one of the few World Heritage Sites and the only lake cultural heritage in China.


       The West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, covering an area of 6.39 square kilometers, about 2.8 kilometers wide from east to west, 3.2 kilometers long from north to south, and nearly 15 kilometers around the lake.


       The lake is separated by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggong Dikes. According to the size of the area, there are five water faces, namely, West Lake, Xili Lake, Beili Lake, Xiaonan Lake and Yuehu.


       Su Di and Bai Dike cross the lake, Xiao Wei Chau The three small islands of Huxinting and Mekongdun stand in the heart of the West Lake. The Leifeng Pagoda in Xizhao Mountain and the Baoding Tower in the Gem Mountain are separated by the lake, thus forming “One Mountain, Two Towers, Three Islands, The basic pattern of the Three Dykes and Five Lakes.






       位于西湖的西部水域,_骶嗪靼对500米, 范围约9.66公顷。北宋元_五年(1090年) ,著名文人苏轼用疏浚西湖时挖出的湖泥堆筑了一条南北走向的长堤。堤上建有六桥,自南向北依次命名为映波桥、锁澜桥、望山桥、压堤桥、东浦桥和跨虹桥。








       "平湖秋月"景观完整保留了清代(17-18世纪)钦定西湖十景时 "一院一楼一碑一亭"的院落布局。


       1、Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides.

       2、the whole lake is divided into 5 sections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, West Inner lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound.

       3、然后你可以讲讲西湖十景是什么...there are ten sights in west lake, which are

       苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

       曲苑风荷Lotus Stirred by Breeze in Quyuan Garden

       平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake

       断桥残雪 Melting Snow Scene on the Broken Bridge

       柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows

       花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond

       雷峰西照 Leifeng Pagoda Silhouette adainst the Sunset

       双峰插云Doubles Peaks Kissing the Sky

       南屏晚钟 Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill

       三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon






英文介绍烟台旅游景点 山东著名景点英文介绍


       The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the fame.

       The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum he the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.



       Beijing Imperial Palace is a royal palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, formerly known as the Forbidden City.

       It is 961 meters long from north to south, 753 meters wide from east to west, surrounded by 10 meters high walls, and 52 meters wide moat outside the city. It is really a golden city.


       The Forbidden City has four gates, the Meridian Gate in the south, the Shenwu gate in the north, the Donghua gate in the East and the Xihua gate in the West.

       In the four corners of the city wall, there is a graceful turret. There are 72 ridges of nine beams and eigh columns in the folk, which describe the complexity of its structure.


       The buildings in the Forbidden City are divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court.

       The center of the outer Dynasty is Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall, collectively referred to as the three halls, which are the places where the state holds grand ceremonies.

       The left and right wings of the three halls are supported by two groups of buildings: Wenhua hall and Wuying hall.


       The center of the inner court is Qianqing palace, Jiaotai palace and Kunning palace, collectively referred to as the back three palaces, which are the main palace where the emperor and the empress live.

       Then there is the imperial garden. There are six palaces in the East and West on both sides of the rear three palaces, which are the places where the empresses live and rest.


       On the east side of the six Eastern Palaces is the temple of heen and other Buddhist buildings, and on the west side of the six Western palaces is the main hall and other Buddhist buildings.

       Besides the outer court and inner court, there are two parts of buildings, namely, the outer East Road and the outer West Road.









       The Palace Museum, formerly known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of China's Ming and Qing dynasties, located at the center of Beijing's central axis.

       The Palace Museum in Beijing, with three main halls as the center, covers an area of about 720,000 square meters, with a building area of about 150,000 square meters.

       The Construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing began in the fourth year of Yongle (1406) and was completed in the 18th year of Yongle (1420).

       The Imperial Palace is arranged along a north-south axis, along which the three main halls, the latter three palaces and the imperial garden are located. And spread out to both sides, north and south straight, left and right symmetry.

       The Palace city is surrounded by 12 meters high and 3400 meters long palace wall, in the form of a rectangular city, surrounded by 52 meters wide moat outside the wall, forming a fortified castle.

       The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called the Meridian Gate. Behind the meridian Gate are five marble arch Bridges leading to the Gate of Supreme Harmony. East gate name Donghuamen, west gate name Xihuamen, north gate name Shenwu Gate.

       The Imperial Palace in Beijing is one of the largest and best preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.

       The Imperial Palace in Beijing is a national AAAAA tourist attraction.

       In 1961, the Imperial Palace in Beijing was listed as one of the first national key cultural relics protection sites.

       The Forbidden City in Beijing was listed as a World cultural Heritage in 1987.
















       The imperial palace is the largest and most complete imperial palace in China, is the most magnificent ancient architectural complex in the world, has a history of nearly 600 years.

       The Forbidden City is China's Ming and qing dynasties 24 of the emperor's palace, the palace construction layout can be divided into the outer court and the imperial palace. The outer court is the place where the emperor held a ceremony and summoned the minister.

       Which building is the hall of supreme harmony, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, the three main halls of the mandarin house and hall of martial valor is divided on both sides. Imperial palace is the emperor to handle daily affairs and the harem concubines and young prince live, play, in the place of god.












       注:刺绣 embroidery





       1. 传统文化与现代文明的关系

       2. 民俗、民风、民族特色

       3. 文化担当与自信

       4. 文化传承与传播


       1. Lantern Festival 元宵节

       2. Embroidery 刺绣

       3. Double-Ninth Festival 重阳节

       4. Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节

       5. paper cutting 剪纸

       6. Siheyuan/Quadrangle 四合院

       7. Warring States 战国

       8. Kunqu Opera 昆曲

       9. Flower Drum Song 花鼓戏

       10. Confucian culture 儒家文化

       11. Chinese knotting 中国结

       12. hot pot 火锅

       13. South Regions of the Yangtze River 江南

       14. Tang Poetry 唐诗

       15. Tang Dynasty 唐朝

       16. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

       17. lunar calendar 农历

       18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物院

       19. traditional Chinese festivals 中国传统节日

       20. protecting traditional Chinese culture 保护中国传统文化

       21. the four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四明

       22. The Book of Songs/Classic of Poetry 《诗经》

       23. Records of the Grand Historian 《史记》

       24.The Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》

       25. Journey to the West 《西游记》


       Protecting Traditional

       Chinese Culture

       Protecting traditional Chinese culture is of great importance to China's cultural diversity, economic prosperity, and social development. The in Guangdong province has made it their mission to protect Chaoju (潮剧), a local form of drama that began in Chaozhou in eastern Guangdong.

       In my opinion, specific measures should be taken to protect traditional Chinese culture. To start with, we should make ropriate laws for everyone to follow. Also, we should educate people about the need to protect traditional culture. The more the public knows about it, the more support we can get.

       It's time that we start treasuring our own valuable culture.



       1. 科技创新的作用

       2. 科技改变生活

       3. 科技对民族、国家发展的作用


       1. innovation 创新

       2. science科学

       3. technology 技术

       4. shopping

       5. high-speed railway 高铁

       6. artificial intelligence(AI) 人工智能

       7. big data 大数据

       8. ability to innovate 创新能力

       9. scientific and technological innovation 科技创新

       10. scientific and technological progress 科学技术进步

       11. modernization of science and technology 科学技术现代化

       12. he a major influence on politics, the economy, and society 对政治、经济、社会有重要影响


       The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's lives.

       Modern technology makes life more convenient. Using the Internet is popular nowadays. Years ago, people had to look through a lot of information just to buy what they wanted. It was easy for people to spend too much time doing research and become tired as a result. Now, all you he to do is use the Internet. It's a piece of cake!

       With the development of science and technology, including high-speed transportation, video phones, and webcam meetings, the world has become smaller and smaller.

       We all hope that modern technology will continue to reach the highest level, because science and technology make life more enjoyable indeed.








       1. economy 经济

       2. development 发展

       3. prosperity 繁荣

       4. communicate with parents efficiently 和父母更高效地交流




       The beauty of Yantai harbour

       I stared into a boundless sea of Dalian, also watched to go forward with great strength and vigour of Weihai harbour, but, let me the most impressive is the visit of Yantai harbour. The roaring wes of the sea, the mysterious submarine, a cool gentle breeze, makes me quite a new experience. The summer of 2012, I and my mother went to the beautiful scenery of the Yantai sea.



       所以在这里的名字叫“滩” 。林木绿化地带,有丰富的海滩环境很多,起到了固沙的功能。尤其是在每年4月,森林槐花公开赛,空气中弥漫着甜蜜花香Qinrenxinpi ,谁放弃了森林花香气喝醉。在夏季,这里是一个欢乐的海洋,这一休闲,度,游泳无数游客。

       滩海滨公园,国家4A条一级风景名胜区,中国国家旅游度村。位于烟台经济技术开发区北部。公园是最典型的景观海滩米, 10,000米长的沙滩,和60-180米宽,细砂,金**,大多数地区,缓坡,

       被称为“中国北方第一海滩”的世界。夏季水温在25 ℃左右,中国是最好的天然海水浴场。 2002年,国家海洋局已被列为国家重点的海滩,在国家卫生监测网络的沙滩,海水的监测指标已达到标准的一类国家。开放


       滩海滨公园,万米海滩沿海岸线, Pohuan有一个明确的头部,细柔沙滩,海水温度在1200年夏季约25摄氏度,是最自然的一个海滩。这里碧波万顷的大海,细柔金色沙滩,茂密的森林,新鲜洁净的空气,

       水Xiangyingchengqu遴遢嗯,是一家集游泳,尚静,**,休闲,食品纳入一项综合公园。有天气,美丽的景色在春天;水平平静,海上和博科像夏天;波肿了,玉珠在秋季的飞行;胃排空激浪,宏伟的冬天,构成了独特的色彩四季美丽的。 6斌酶

       塔拉线开始雕塑,如Dianjingzhibi ,加上迷人的大海。


       Dear Tom,

        I am Lihua. I heard that you are coming to Yantai. In order to make you not get lost, I will wait for you in the station.

        Yantai is really beautiful place. Wind is soft. Beaches are warm. Mountains are tall. It is good to get a bird's-eye view on those tall mountain.

        If you like swimming. I suggest you to go to the Golden Beach. You can swim in the sea and enjoy the sun set between the lights. It is enjoyable to do so with your family.

        If you like natural beauty. You can go to the Kunyu Mountain. This is a 923metre-mountain. As what I was saying. You can get a bird's-eye view of the natural beauty.

        But you need to follow the rules. First, you can't lee your rubbish. You should throw them into the rubbish can. Second, you should be a kind guest. You should smile but not act an angry face all the time. What's more, you should't speak loudly in the public place. That' all.

        I am sure you will he a good time in Yantai.




       The City of Qingdao

       The city of Qingdao lies in the east of Shandong Province. It is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches.

       Qingdao is a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country and all corners of the world come to visit the city every summer. They walk along the beaches, go swimming in the sea or do some shopping in the stores or on the markets. They can seethe fine views of the city. Especially attractive ① are the building groups of the Eastern-and-Western-style②mixed houses and villas③.

       Great changes he taken place in Qingdao in the recent years. It has played an important part in the development of the foreign trade of our country. Its port is busy. Ships and vessels ④ from all countries come and go every day. It has become an international port city.


       My hometown

       I from the Shandong Province Yantai, that am a very beautiful coast city. Has the glorious cultural history, reaches to the sky building, and is Chinese one of ten big charm cities. Not only that there also has Tashan amusement park, the Mt. Nan park, the Penglai Chinese style pilion and so on many treling entertainment's scenic spot. is eating aspect Yantai is not inferior, has is well-known the national Yantai le, the laiyang pear. Also has Zhang Yu's grape wine, that is also widely known. Lives in Yantai, every day looks the deep blue sky, the limpid sea water, is blowing the neat sea breeze is one kind enjoys. I thought that this is also it is evaluated most suits one which of urban the humanity lives not to be able to separate. welcome your momentarily presence Yantai, there is the place which absolutely is worth you going.
