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tamoadmin 2024-08-17 人已围观

简介1.暑旅游景点情况介绍英语 关于暑旅游景点的英语手抄报2.英语手抄报,你最想去旅游的城市。素材3.以环球旅游为主题的手抄报 爱为主题的手抄报4.跪求英语的关于环保的或旅游景点的手抄报(要用电脑做的)5.英语旅游海报-请问英语旅游海报的格式是什么样的。6.有谁知到关于中国风景名胜的英文手抄报六4班寒英语手抄报展示《better english better life 寒英语手抄报展示》青春记忆初一3

1.暑旅游景点情况介绍英语 关于暑旅游景点的英语手抄报


3.以环球旅游为主题的手抄报 爱为主题的手抄报






《better english better life 寒英语手抄报展示》



《better english better life 寒英语手抄报展示》



《better english better life 寒英语手抄报展示》

英语关于旅游手抄报 英语旅游手抄报

二年级期英语手抄报 新学期手抄报








暑旅游景点情况介绍英语 关于暑旅游景点的英语手抄报

Russia is a big country, the biggest in the world by area. It stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. If you want to tour Russia, you he two big challenges. The first is infrastructure, and the second is time. Infrastructure is being upgraded quickly, but time is still a problem. Russia is so big! Tourism to Russia is becoming quite popular. There are many natural areas in Russia. The Trans Siberian Railway goes through or near many of them like Lake Baikal. There are many old cultural sites like the State Hermitage Museum and the Russian Museum St. Petersburg. There are also many “Red” tourist sites like Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow. 俄罗斯是世界上地域面积最广的国家。地跨太平洋和大西洋。如果你想去俄罗斯旅游,将面临两大挑战。第一个就是基础设施,第二个则是时间。基础设施更新得很快,但是时间则永远是个难题。俄罗斯面积如此辽阔!去俄罗斯旅游已经变得十分流行。俄罗斯拥有许多自然地域。西伯利亚铁路穿过或临近这些自然地域,如贝加尔湖。俄罗斯也拥有非常多的历史遗迹成列在埃尔米塔什博物馆和圣彼得堡的俄罗斯国家博物馆。俄罗斯的许多“红色革命”旅游景点如莫斯科的红方和克里姆林宫。 Treling to the Western US is a treat as the Great Plains slowly rises as you go west into the Rocky Mountains. These go very high. In Denver Colorado you may see some real cowboys. There are more mountains and great skiing as you go west to the Cascade Mountains in the north up to Idaho and Seattle, Washington. The Sierra Nevada leads to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas in Nevada. California has the Central Valley agricultural area, and San Francisco and Los Angeles. 去美国西部旅游是件难得的乐事。在你向西走近落基山脉的时候,你可以看见大平原缓缓升起。在科罗拉多州的丹佛你可以看到真正的牛仔。卡斯克德山脉在爱达华州、西雅图和华盛顿的北部,在你朝山的西面进发的时候,你可以看到山脉连绵和滑雪运动。内华达州通向亚利桑那州的大峡谷和太浩湖及。加州有中央峡谷的农业地区、旧金山和洛杉矶。 Spain is becoming a very popular trel destination because of its beauty, history, architecture, and food. Spain is in the southwest of Europe, bordered by Portugal on the west, and the Pyrenees Mountains in the east. These divide Spain from France, and are home to the Basques, who speak a language like no other on earth. Madrid is the capital in the center of the country. Valencia and Barcelona are on the Mediterranean Sea coast. Cadiz, Malaga, and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa, so they he Moslem influence. Granada has the Alhambra castle. 西班牙正日益成为一个受游客欢迎的旅游胜地,她风景迷人、历史悠久、建筑优美、食物令人垂诞欲的。西班牙位于欧洲的西南部,西邻葡萄牙,东接比利牛斯山脉,和法国分了开来。西班牙是巴斯克人的故乡,他们的语言独一无二。马德里是西班牙的首都,位于整个国家的中部。巴伦西亚和巴塞罗那坐落在地中海的海岸线上。加的斯、马拉加和格林纳达和非洲之间隔着直布罗陀海峡,所以他们受到穆斯林的影响。格林纳达有著名的阿罕布拉宫。 Australia is far south of Asia. It is a huge area with not that many people. Most of Australia’s large cities like Sydney and Perth are near the coast. These cities, and the Great Barrier Reef, are the best for tourism on the coast. Australia has many unique animals, including kangaroos, koala bears, and wild camels. Much of the center is dry and even desert. This area is often called the Outback. The Aboriginal people he lived in Australia over 50,000 years and mostly live in the Outback. Ayer’s Rock is at the center of the country. 澳大利亚位于亚洲的南面,整个国家面积辽阔,人口稀少。澳洲大部分的大型城市像悉尼和佩斯,都靠近沿海。这些城市如大堡礁都是旅游胜地。澳洲有很多特有的珍稀动物,包括袋鼠、考拉和野生动物。澳洲的中部很干燥,还有一些沙漠地区,这个地区被称为澳洲内地。土著民族在澳洲已经生存了50,000多年了,而且大部分都生活在澳洲内地。艾尔斯岩位于这个国家的中部地区。 If you trel to Greece you will see beautiful weather, ancient cities like Athens, and wonderful islands around the blue Mediterranean Sea. In Athens you may see Greece’s most famous site, the Acropolis. Going to the islands you may see Crete, Corfu, Mykonos, and Rhodes. Greek history is the history of their islands. There are many island groups in Greece with hundreds of islands. The Greek mainland includes Athens, but also beautiful cities like Sparta, which had some of the ancient world’s toughest soldiers. 在希腊,你会享受到舒适的气候、欣赏到历史悠久的古建筑和环绕天蓝色地中海的小岛。闻名世界的雅典卫城,克利特岛、科孚岛、米克诺斯和罗德岛,这些构成希腊历史的岛屿。希腊有为数众多的岛屿群,这些岛屿群又包含成百上千的岛屿,他们星罗棋布。希腊本土由雅典和斯巴达构成。提起斯巴达,就不能不提那里优美的城市环境和世上最坚强的勇士。




I like summer vacation every year. This year I went to Beijing for summer vacation.


Beijing is our capital. I climbed the great wall and went to many interesting places.


I had a good time.


Throughout the summer vacation, I went to Putuo and Xiangshan. I saw the beautiful sea.


I enjoy walking alone on the beach or swimming in the moonlight after dinner.


That's really great.




Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

n. 风景胜地;风景照片


This is an extremely scenic part of America.



n. 旅行者,观光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行参观

vi. 旅游;观光

adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱





暑是最好的游玩的时候了,这个暑你又去哪里了呢?下面是我给大家整理的暑旅游 英语 作文 ,供你参考!

暑 旅游英语 作文200字篇1

One-day Tour in Beijing

Beijing is our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we he a one-day tour plan for you.


In the morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. It's one of the greatest wonders in the world. It's so magnificent that you can't go to Beijing without visiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are so many interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street, and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. The view on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, and then, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of the Yangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to he a long walk on Tiananman Square, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the Palace Museum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are of great value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place to go where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildings there he the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history of ancient Beijing.


Wish you a nice trip.



旅行 Plan for Two Days in Beijing

Warmly welcome all of you to visit to China. I hear that you are a Canadian high school students delegation who come to China to exchange learning. I sincerely hope you can he fun in China.


It's a great pity that you only stay for two days in Beijing that you cannot enjoy every tourist attractions. But you can still visit the attractions of the most representative. Firstly, I suggest you going to the Great Wall, which is the longest wall and one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by hands only, which seems unimaginable. On the second day, you can visit to the Imperial Palace where you can learn more about Chinese history. It was built in 1406 and there were 24 emperors living in there. And then you can go to Summer Palace or Beihai Park.

遗憾的是你们只在北京呆两天,不能欣赏每一个旅游景点。但是你们仍然可以最具有代表性的景点。首先,我建议你们到长城,它是最长的城墙,也是世界八大奇迹之一 。它是人工建成的,这似乎无法想象。第二天,你们可以参观故宫,在那里你们可以学习更多关于中国的历史。它是1406年建的,曾有24位皇帝住在那里。接着你可以去颐和园或者北海公园。

Beijing is a modern city as well as a historic city where there are many places worth visiting. Given the chance, welcome to trel to Beijing in the future.



With the rapid development of economy, the number of Chinese treling abroad has increased enormously, which definitely benefits both China and the world.

In the past three years, the number of Chinese treling abroad has kept a high growth rate. In accordance with the figures from a survey, there were about 7.5 million people treling abroad in 1999. In the year after 1999, the number continued to rise. By 2000, it reached 10 million people. And the year 2001 saw an ever-growing number of 12.1 million people going abroad.

The reasons why the number of Chinese treling abroad grows so rapidly are just as follows. First of all, after 20 years' reform and opening up to the world, our economy has developed very quickly. Now Chinese he more money in their pockets than before. They can do whatever they want. Moreover, with more spare money in their hands, many Chinese would like to better the quality of their lives by going out to see different people, to hear different ideas and experience different cultures. And treling abroad is just one way on the list to meet their demands.

From the above analysis, we can easily draw the conclusion that such an increase in the number of people treling abroad is reasonable and will continue to prove on a rise.


I love treling. Treling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you he in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when treling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't forget to bring your backpack!


This summer, my father took our family to shandong.

Shandong is very far from Shanghai, so want to go by plane, the plane off the ground, I hang on to her mother's hand, the plane flying high, first on a layer of clouds, is on the second layer cloud again, in the second layer on the cloud, I looked up, wow, a no cloud in the sky, the clouds like a pony, cotton, sheep, pigs, etc., on the plane's flight attendant ge me and my brother a person a gift, brother is OTT door sticker, I is a yellow pencil case and a blue pen, aircraft fired two hours to shandong, aircraft operation, I am airsick.

When we arrived in shandong, our father found a five-star luxury hotel to let us live. We lived in a two-story room.

Father took on the day we went to the seaside to swim, swim, an uncle ge me a mother, I just don't know is the mother, take back to look for dad, dad said can't take, I will throw away.

The next day, my father took us to the island to play, shandong has many mountains, we went to the largest island, we played the iron rope bridge, boat and so on.

On the third day, dad took us to his construction site, and in the afternoon we went back to Shanghai.

What a hy summer!


For most people, they will choose to trel during holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressure of work. However, it hens quite often that people often ran into traffic jams on the way to trel. Some people think that we can relax ourselves by treling no matter of how many people there. Some people would rather to stay in home than going out to trel because they think there are too many people swarm into the scenic spots. In my point of view, I would rather to stay indoors rather than going out to trel. Reasons are listed below.

对于许多人来说,都会选择期旅游,因为他们想要从巨大的工作压力中解放自己。但是,在去旅游的路上遇到交通堵塞的事情经常发生。一些人认为不管有多少 人,我们还是可以通过旅游来放松自己。一些人情愿呆在家里也不远出去旅游,因为他们觉得旅游景点的人太多了。就我看来,我情愿呆在家里也不远走出去旅游。 原因如下:

Firstly, during holiday, so many people swarm into the trel spots that we can't enjoy ourselves to the full. For most people, they want to trel because during holiday, they can he several days to relieve themselves by treling. However, so many people crowd together will make their tour lose the original fun.


Secondly, during holiday, price will be rising drastically. It is known to all that you need to spend much more to buy things or taking bus or any other transportation since many retailers will raise goods' price during this holiday to get fat profits.


All in all, trel during holiday is not a good choice for us since its inconvenience in treling among a huge crowd of people and also the dramatically hig

以环球旅游为主题的手抄报 爱为主题的手抄报

If I he enough money and time , I want to trel America.BecauseI he a dream that is going to America. It is a economic country and has a beautiful environment .Now it is the most developed country . people in America are very busy and fast. There are interesting place ,such as Seattle is Known for Microsoft and Starbucks, and has 5 distinct climates within 200 miles of the city center, including 14,000' peak Mt. Rainier, temperate rain forests, Pacific Ocean, and arid desert. Boston is the capital of Massachusetts which is best known for its colonial history, its passion for sports, and university students and so on .











环球旅行的品德手抄报 关于品德的手抄报大手拉小手 一起学英语主题





以环球旅游为主题的手抄报 爱为主题的手抄报





以环游世界为主题办一份手抄报 安全主题手抄报



As the world is getting more densely populated, pollution presents a severe problem. More people make more waste. All this waste is polluting our surroundings.

Pollution has a bad influence on our life. The air is pollnted by the smoke and fog coming out of the factory chimneys. Plants die for want of fresh air. The river is polluted and the fish are unfit to live. There is noise pollution made by cars and factories, etc, which hurts the ear.

It is high time we did something about pollution. I suggest more trees be planted to keep the air fresh. We should purify the water and make use of the wastes and turn harm into good.

By cur common efforts, we will make a clean and purified environment for life and work.

As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the s of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem. In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting.

As far as future prospect is concerned, I am sure that good results will be achieved in this respect. Rivers which used to be contaminated by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be again.

Nowadays, the environmental protection is becoming one of the most important issues in the world. Being one of the members of our society, what shall we do to protect the environment?

First, stop using plastic bags, boxes and bottles. Stores should be required to use the bags, boxes and bottles which are made from paper.

Secondly, more and more trees and flowers should be planted to keep our surrounding clean. People must be required to plant plants around their houses and work places.

Finally, we must control the pollution by law, according to which, polluted water and air exhausted from factories should be forbidden.

These are some of the measures that we can take to protect our environment and they are not hard tasks for us. Remember, the earth is the only planet we could live at present.

Since the first day, BNBM has paid more attention to protect the environment as its social responsibility, by developing green building materials, producing green products and creating green enterprise. According to the spirit of "From the nature, for the nature and return to the mature", BNBM has tried its best in developing new technology and improving equipment to reduce the pollution.

Once man did not he to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited. Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive. We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food ailable. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them.The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control. Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall he a better and cleaner planet in the future.

























































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